Strategy Consultant

Strategy Consultant

  • Strategy
  • Consulting
  • Amsterdam
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Corporate Strategy Department

The Corporate Strategy department (20 to 25 professionals) is led by Dorothy Hill. Hill reports directly to CEO Ralph Hamers. The department comprises two teams: Strategy Development and Strategy Consulting. While Strategy Development supports the Management Board Banking in forming, aligning, driving implementation and monitoring the Think Forward Strategy, the Strategy Consulting team serves local CEOs and Board members with concise, high-impact projects. This team consists of 15 to 20 consultants.

Strategy Consultant

A typical Strategy Consultant within ING’s Strategy Consulting team analyses a wide range of cases and delivers detailed, down-to-earth recommendations. Combining the strategic challenges and project-based set-up of consultancy with the advantages and sustainable corporate culture of ING, this team offers the best of both worlds.

Driver seat experience

Internal clients tend to be business unit CEOs and executive board members. Helping the client drive change within the business is just as important as conceiving strategic advice. Knowing how to link strategy to financial plans is key.

Best of both worlds

For member of the Strategy Consulting team, job satisfaction usually comes from the high impact of projects and recommendations. ING encourages a healthy work/life balance so that members of the team have the energy and drive to go the extra mile for clients when needed. Given the highly international domain of the Group, consultants are expected to be ready to work on international projects (15-20% of projects require travel abroad).


An academic degree and experience at a top-tier strategy consulting firm in Europe constitute the perfect preparation for this role, but consultants also need natural charisma and communicative skills to inspire change in all levels of the organization.


Roland Vetten Solliciteer
Marlies Hoogvliet - Partner

“Meer dan 98% van onze kandidaten blijft onze nieuwsbrief lezen. Schrijf je in en geef jouw carrière een boost.”

Marlies Hoogvliet - Partner

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