Student Experience vacancies Student Experience vacancies

Student Experience vacancies

Creating the world’s best student living environment
When Amsterdam faced a significant shortage of student housing, entrepreneur Johan Verweij realized he held the key to a solution. Building on decades of real estate experience, he founded Student Experience, an independent property manager and developer focused on student accommodation. The company aims to create the world’s best living environment for students to reach their full potential. Student Experience opened its first complex in Amsterdam Zuidas in 2015 and has since developed more locations in Amsterdam, Leiden, Madrid, and Granada. Partnering with educational institutions, agencies, and student networks, the company provides ample facilities to their guests—from rooftop sport fields to private dining rooms and shared study rooms—so they can have the ultimate care-free stay.

Innovation and international growth
Student Experience is as entrepreneurial and ambitious as its founder Johan Verweij. The company has gradually expanded and has set its sights on the broader European market. In 2023, Leiden and Madrid complexes opened; Granada is expected to open in Q2 2024. The award-winning company continues to look for innovative ways to make service and facilities better, more sustainable, and their students’ living environment brighter and bolder.

“I want to have Student Experience complexes in every European capital.” – Johan Verweij, CEO and founder

Tight-knit, enterprising, and fun: working at Student Experience
Student Experience is just as passionate about their team as they are about their students. Vacancies at Student Experience are quick to fill as the company has cultivated an innovative and fast-growing international environment with an informal corporate culture. Communication lines are short. Ambition and fun go hand in hand, with regular company outings that are talked about for a long time after. Interspersed with plenty of jokes, tight-knit teams work hard toward their common goal to offer the best quality student housing, facilities, and services.

Marlies Hoogvliet - Partner

“Meer dan 98% van onze kandidaten blijft onze nieuwsbrief lezen. Schrijf je in en geef jouw carrière een boost.”

Marlies Hoogvliet - Partner

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