Pulse4All Pulse4All


Peter Houtzagers, an experienced serial entrepreneur, launched Pulse4All in the Netherlands after noticing in his previous business that many AEDs in the field no longer function properly due to lack of maintenance.

Launched in mid-2023, Pulse4all currently has hundreds of customers in the Netherlands. Sales numbers in the UK and Ireland are comparable to those in the Netherlands. Mid 2025, sales will exceed 500 subscriptions a month in 15 European countries.

Pulse4all is the first true circular and sustainable AED supplier of the world. To avoid unnecessary waste, an AED is only discarded when it has reached its full technical lifespan. For maintenance, instead of using Field Service Engineers. Pulse4all simply exchanges the AED on-site. It is the first sustainable and closed ecosystem in the AED market ever.

Marlies Hoogvliet - Partner

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Marlies Hoogvliet - Partner

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