Director of Ecosystem Change & Data

Director of Ecosystem Change & Data

  • General Management
  • Technology
  • Amsterdam
  • Vanaf 12 jaar werkervaring
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  • Over 12 years of relevant work experience
  • Background in applying data to understand and address market problems
  • Experience driving change in the public innovation policy context
  • Experience in deep tech start-up / scale-up sector
  • Managerial expertise
  • Project leadership in complex stakeholder settings
  • Strategic, tactical, and influencing skills

* Research shows that while male candidates feel confident enough to apply when they meet about 60% of the requirements, female candidates only apply when they tick every box. So if this role has your name on it, but you’re not sure about the criteria, we still want to hear from you.

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The Netherlands is one of the best places to start up a tech venture in Europe. However, its related laws and legislation still leave room for improvement. Techleap’s Director of Ecosystem Change and Data will actively liaise with the Dutch government and other public and private stakeholders to create the perfect conditions for start-ups and scale-ups to succeed.

About Techleap

Start-ups and scale-ups create tomorrow’s jobs and drive progress in vital areas such as energy transition, cyber security, and healthcare. The Netherlands is a European innovation hotspot and Techleap is an Amsterdam-based non-profit organization determined to keep it that way. Their role as a catalyst towards entrepreneurship began in 2019. And together with public and private stakeholders, they’ve built a well-connected, inclusive, and self-empowered Dutch tech ecosystem that boosts growth in investments, talent, and jobs.

Techleap supports founders and tech ventures by solving their most significant challenges: hiring talent, raising capital, and expanding internationally. Their main  activity is to establish a curated community called BOLD. It’s where more than four hundred founders and CxOs connect, openly share challenges, and find solutions together. Another key focus is to help the government design tech-friendly policies, such as taxation of equity remuneration. Additionally, Techleap runs programs, hosts events, provides access to resources and international networks, and shares expertise.

“The Dutch tech start-up ecosystem has come a long way, but acceleration is still needed to become one of the global frontrunners. To achieve that goal, we will double down on our deep tech programs, data capabilities, collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, and communities.” – Constantijn van Oranje, Special Envoy for Techleap

Ever since its launch, Techleap has been a publicly funded organization. But recently, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has extended Techleap’s mandate at half the budget along with a request to raise additional public and private funding. In response, the team has launched a campaign to bring together the people and capital to continue its invaluable work. This has sharpened Techleap’s thinking around impact, funding, and collaboration with its stakeholders. They also created a transformation plan to prepare for spinning-off certain activities, increase focus on deep tech, and strengthen commercial and entrepreneurial capabilities to maximize their contributions to the Dutch start-up and scale-up ecosystem.

Vacancy: Director of Ecosystem Change and Data

The Director of Ecosystem Change and Data will lead and manage the design and execution of a portfolio of interventions to support the Dutch government’s planning interventions. These include adopting favorable programs, policies and legislations for the deep tech start-up and scale-up climate. They will act as a catalyst to connect public and private stakeholders and rally them on this mission.

The Director of Ecosystem Change and Data will lead two teams. One will interact with government agents, including members of the House of Representatives and ministry officials, and other ecosystem partners and stakeholders, from universities, banks, pension funds, to venture capital firms in The Netherlands. The second is the Data Analysis and Research team, which conducts data-driven research to inform Techleap’s system change strategies and interventions. The Director of Ecosystem Change and Data will lead, work with, and strengthen the team, overseeing its activities and boosting its capabilities.

“The Director of Ecosystem Change and Data will spearhead our work with the government and other key stakeholders to deliver positive system change and strengthen our position of The Netherlands as the leading European start-up hub.” – Constantijn van Oranje, Special Envoy for Techleap

Interaction with the government and other public and private stakeholders is a significant part of the role. That’s why the Director of Ecosystem Change and Data will need to be a convincing discussion partner for senior government officials and executives with the experience to know how political and legislative processes unfold and can be influenced. They will be supported by a knowledgeable team and work closely with Constantijn van Oranje, who will continue to play an active role in this field. The Director of Ecosystem Change and Data and their team will focus on various topics such as deep tech interventions, incentives and taxes, subsidies, talent and education, and diversity.

The role will use a strategic, data-driven, and fact-based approach to succeed. They will liaise with the government to identify bottlenecks and design and prioritize interventions based on data, analyses, and international research and best practices. Additionally, the Director of Ecosystem Change and Data will drive the implementation and – from design to execution – strategically involve experts and prominent figures from their network to create urgency and accelerate impact.

This role has a unique opportunity to work at the junction between tech, entrepreneurship, policy, and politics. The Director of Ecosystem Change and Data will join Techleap’s Leadership Team, and guide the organization through their transformation while enhancing the Dutch start-up and scale-up ecosystem.



Techleap is working with Top of Minds to fill this vacancy.
To express your interest, please contact Marlies Hoogvliet at


Marlies Hoogvliet Solliciteer

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