CRM Marketeer

CRM Marketeer

  • Scale-up
  • Consumer
  • Amsterdam
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Catawiki is an online auction platform for rare objects and collectibles. Such as classic bicycles, a first-edition TinTin album or a fossilized T-rex jaw. Catawiki connects sellers and bidders from all over the world. The growth strategy hinges on CRM to attract new users, increase the engagement of existing users and convert bidders to sellers. To make that happen, they are now attracting a Senior CRM Specialist and a high-potential CRM Marketeer.

Global award-winning tech scale-up

Catawiki is an international auction platform with Dutch roots and the ambition to make rare collectible objects available to bidders around the world. They currently host 35,000 weekly auctions in categories such as contemporary art, classic cars, furniture, jewelry and stamps. The business was awarded the Deloitte Technology award in 2015 and again in 2016. Despite the rapid growth, the office at the WeWork Metropool in Amsterdam still has that typical start-up vibe: highly talented professionals from all over the world, respectfully working together, appreciating each other’s strengths and helping colleagues develop further. Read more about careers at Catawiki. Catawiki is at the stage where they know they have a proven business model, and it’s time to scale it up. To keep momentum, time is of the essence. CRM will play an important role in this process by fortifying relationships with bidders and sellers in all markets, increasing engagement and encouraging bidders to become sellers and vice versa. It’s a strategic priority to expand the CRM capabilities.

Vacancy: CRM Marketeer

As an early bird in the rapidly expanding CRM team of Europe’s fastest growing tech companies, the CRM Marketeer is likely to leave his/her mark on the global CRM program. Currently, the key channels are email and push notifications. They have a proprietary e-mail system which is used to manage about a hundred campaigns and send out around 20 million e-mails a month, predominantly focused on retention. But that is all about to change, as Catawiki is also hiring a Senior CRM Specialist who will develop the roadmap for the new CRM Strategy. This new strategy will focus on activating new users of the platform, reactivating dormant users, increasing conversion of bidders to sellers, using triggers in the customer journey to set up dripped campaigns, optimizing CRM tooling, developing geographic diversification of campaigns, and improving visibility of Catawiki emails in inboxes. The CRM Marketeer will continuously think of and implement new strategies and campaigns. Based on A/B test, analytics and the expertise of the Business Intelligence team, the CRM Marketeer will report on campaigns and optimize their performance. On top of (re)activation campaigns and the optimization of transaction emails, the CRM Marketeer will also be responsible for liquidity management – smart communication with the user base in order to achieve the right balance between the demand and supply on the platform.


  • An academic degree
  • Hands-on CRM experience
  • For high-paced, high traffic, international online businesses
  • HTML and CSS skills are needed
  • SQL skills are desirable but not essential


  • Results-oriented and data-driven
  • Hands-on team player/coach
  • Strong communicator
  • Passionate and creative


  • Innovative
  • Customer centricity
  • Responsibility


Martine Francken Solliciteer
Marlies Hoogvliet - Partner

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