Atida is Hebrew for the ‘future’ and it is precisely for this that the company has a revolutionary concept in store. Linking data, e-commerce and the world of pharmacy is what Atida has in mind. A pan-European online pharmacy with an in-store experience that focuses on individual healthcare. The current company is a collection of eight acquired online pharmacies from Germany and Spain. This makes it the third largest player in Europe. But Atida thinks much bigger, because with more acquisitions in the pipeline, online pharmacy will be at the European top by 2025.
The idea behind the concept? Europe is seeing a strong increase in non-communicable, often chronic, diseases. Think of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and depression. All these disorders together account for about ninety percent of European healthcare costs. An important factor in the development of these diseases is an unhealthy way of life. But what if you change your lifestyle want to improve proactively, where can you go online? Previously nowhere, but exactly in this hole Atida jumps.
Atida presents two fully scientifically substantiated propositions. This autumn, the launch of Atida Pure is planned. With this branch, the company focuses on preventive care through personal nutrition programs, high-quality supplements, consultations and measurements. In the beginning of 2021 it will be the turn of Atida Health, a branch that focuses on curative care or: curing existing diseases with prescribed medication. In the long term, the company wants to add more products to support the individual care needs of each customer.
Atida has now reached the stage of high, organic growth. In order for the company to fully succeed, Atida must develop newin the short term business solutions including associated platforms. Information sources with a refreshing customer experience based on trust, care, expertise and above all: personal and intuitive design. And as a portfolio company of London’s MARCOL – one of the largest health care investment companies – Atida has enough resources to make meters.