Bergman Clinics' vacancies Bergman Clinics' vacancies

Bergman Clinics' vacancies

Working at Bergman Clinics

Our vision at Bergman Clinics is to make and keep high-quality patient specialty care affordable, accessible, and available for the long-term. Our full scope of roles for physicians, nurses, clinic managers and support positions all share our same vision. We always maintain excellent relationships with larger hospitals and specialty practices, which regularly refer their patients to our Bergman Clinics for insured care.

Indepedent specialty hospitals

Each of Bergman Clinics’ function as a small, independent, special care hospital. For example, patients receive consultations, check-ups and examinations in our Outpatient Clinic, Meanwhile, we perform surgery along with post-surgery care by nurses in our OR Clinic.

At every location, a Clinic Manager is on hand and responsible for day-to-day operational management and P&L. And at each specialty clinic, they watch over their strategic lines to ensure long-term client satisfaction, ongoing growth, and strong margins. Our Central Support Office in Naarden provides the various clinics with HR, IT and Finance support services.

Internationalization and innovation

Training and technology innovations are at the forefront of Bergman Clinics’ growth strategy.
With shareholder Triton, we invest in internationalization and innovation. We have now opened clinics in Germany and Scandinavia. And we use digitalization to improve our clients’ experience, as well as reduce the administrative burden of doctors and nurses.

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