With great passion and pleasure, Zuiver BV designs, produces and sells contemporary, trend-setting and characterful furniture, lighting and interior design items. The growing collection of modern furniture pieces, extravagant designs and internationally inspired products combine perfectly and fit into many different interiors.
Het bedrijf is internationaal doorgebroken met de merken Zuiver, Dutchbone, Bold Monkey en Banne. De Zuiver groep verkoopt haar producten inmiddels in meer dan tachtig landen, verspreid over drie continenten. Desondanks staat het bedrijf met beide benen stevig op de Noord-Hollandse grond: succes zonder kapsones.
The company has broken through internationally with the Zuiver, Dutchbone, Bold Monkey and Banne brands. The Zuiver group now sells its products in more than eighty countries, spread across three continents. Nevertheless, the company has both feet firmly planted on the soil of North Holland: success without airs and graces.
From their iconic headquarters in Westzaan, a characteristic Zaans building on the North Sea Canal, some eighty young, enthusiastic professionals make Dutch design available internationally. They do this through an omnichannel approach, including their own webshop, e-commerce partners such as fonQ and Wehkamp, shop-in-shops, international distributors and trendy home furnishing stores.