Head of Digital Enablers

Head of Digital Enablers

  • Minimum of 4 years' experience
This vacancy has been filled. Go to the Save the Children brandpage


  • Extensive experience shaping and implementing digital products or platforms
  • Track record of driving change across complex organisations
  • Impressive stakeholder management capabilities
  • Fast learner and self-starter
  • Ability to determine priorities and navigate complex governance

* Research shows that while male candidates feel confident enough to apply when they meet about 60% of the requirements, female candidates only apply when they tick every box. So if this role has your name on it, but you’re not sure about the criteria, we still want to hear from you.

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Save the Children is investing in digital technology to increase the reach and impact of its work. The Head of Digital Enablers will be vital in driving this transformation. The role offers a unique opportunity to improve the organization’s effectiveness and better the lives of millions of children.

About Save the Children

 Many children still start life at a disadvantage simply because of who they are and where they are born. They get caught up in war zones, face poverty, disease, and hunger, are impacted by climate change, or are denied an education and other basic rights owed to them. Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. The NGO champions the rights and interests of children worldwide to ensure they not only survive but thrive.

Save the Children responds to major emergencies, delivers innovative development programs, and ensures children’s voices are heard through its campaigns. In 2021, the organization reached nearly forty-three million children across 118 countries. They responded to over a hundred humanitarian emergencies and were involved in more than 250 significant policy and legislative changes. In its work, Save the Children adopts a broader scope than just children. If the best way to protect their rights to survival, protection, and education is to, e.g., train teachers, instruct nurses, and educate local communities, the organization wholeheartedly does so.

“Our ambition for 2030 is to create a world in which no child dies from preventable causes before their fifth birthday, where all children get quality basic education, and violence against children is no longer tolerated.” – Inger Ashing, CEO

Save the Children is a global membership organization consisting of Save the Children International and thirty national institutions. The local organizations focus on aiding children in their region, while Save the Children International supports and strengthens the organization’s global efforts. Next year, the NGO expects to collect 2.7 billion dollars from its donors: from the US government and the EU to many individual contributors. Thanks to their generosity, Save the Children and its twenty-five thousand dedicated staff members can continue to help children worldwide, giving them a better future.

Vacancy: Head of Digital Enablers

A central part of Save the Children’s strategy is to use data and digital technology to ensure quality education, healthcare, and protection for millions more children. That is why Save the Children International is building a team of digital experts and change agents to help the organization expand and accelerate its impact. The Head of Digital Enablers will be part of this new team. Their responsibility will be to introduce a comprehensive suite of flexible tools that the local teams and partners will depend on for the effective delivery of a wide range of digital programs across different thematic areas (including health, education, and child protection).

“It might be easy to get overwhelmed by the scope of the role. Ultimately, it’s all about focus, about picking the right opportunities. The people in our organizations are open to change and keen to embrace whatever improvement you offer them. That makes this a gratifying job.” – Michael Koutstaal, Chief Transformation Officer

Prioritization will be one of the main challenges for the Head of Digital Enablers. They will work across many countries with different asks and needs. The Head of Digital Enablers will drive Save the Children’s digital transformation by deciding where to focus and formulating solid and actionable proposals that balance impact and feasibility. Among the long list of promising opportunities are messaging and learning platforms to train and support teachers and other professionals remotely.

The Head of Digital Enablers will engage with various stakeholders: from the senior leadership team of Save the Children International to the teams and partners on the country level. They will also work closely with technology partners and the IT department to bring these capabilities to life. Next to stakeholder and project management skills, this asks for a Head of Digital Enablers who will be credible in their interactions with senior executives and subject matter experts.

To be successful, the Head of Digital Enablers should be open to rolling up their sleeves and getting into the nuts and bolts of the organization. They should also welcome the challenge of driving a digital transformation in an environment with lots of ambiguity and insufficient data but with huge potential to make a positive difference to the lives of millions of children.



Save the Children is working with Top of Minds to fill this vacancy.
To express your interest, please contact Vivian den Dekker at vivian.dendekker@topofminds.com.




Vivian den Dekker Apply

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