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Chief Marketing Officer

Chief Marketing Officer

  • Marketing
  • Leisure
  • Amsterdam
  • Minimum of 10 years' experience
This vacancy has been filled. Go to the Moco brandpage


  • All-round marketing leader
  • Experience in building (online) marketing teams
  • Data-driven
  • With vision
  • International mindset

* Research shows that while male candidates feel confident enough to apply when they meet about 60% of the requirements, female candidates only apply when they tick every box. So if this role has your name on it, but you’re not sure about the criteria, we still want to hear from you.


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Moco is a relative newcomer when it comes to museums, but with its characteristic pink posters and its impressive collection of contemporary pieces the museum has proven to be here to stay. This is in no small part thanks to the museum’s bold branding and highly visible campaigns. The new Chief Marketing Officer will build on this to maximize revenue and turn Moco into a global brand, ensuring a healthy business and paving the way for international expansion.

About Moco

The Moco (Modern Contemporary) Museum represents an innovative concept within the realm of museums, inviting young generations to get to know art and the creators behind it. The founders are Kim and Lionel Logchies: a married couple with extensive experience in the world of art galleries.

Moco represents ‘the voice of the street’ – contemporary art that resonates with young generations who don’t necessarily have a history of looking at art, but who do interact with culture on a daily basis via music and (online) media. Activism, asking questions, and having an outspoken identity are some of the features that connect this audience and turn it into a community. Moco is always on the lookout for ways to cultivate this community and make it come to life.

Instagrammable pink
The collections at Moco include world-class names of 20th– and 21st-century art (such as Banksy and Dalí), but there is also a lot of room for artists who are less well-known. Or for artists who are big names in other parts of the world but not yet in the city where a Moco museum is located. All these pieces are showcased within a setting that further enhances the experience: lots of attention is paid to the location, the museum building and its look and feel. Without consciously trying to do so, Moco breathes inclusivity. During the lockdown, the Moco app guided fans and would-be visitors through a (partially virtual) outside exhibit to keep the audience engaged and entertained.  

Moco’s quick rise to fame has a lot to do with its bold approach to PR and branding – a continuous point of focus for the founders. The recognizable pink posters with black print attract the eye of tourists and locals alike. Complemented with merchandise and the app, visitors know they can expect an experience that is both memorable and Instagrammable.

Barcelona, London, Paris
Pre-COVID, 90% of the museum’s visitors in Amsterdam were foreign tourists. During the pandemic the museum managed to attract more local visitors: the split is now 50/50. The concept works for different types of audiences – and since the tourist market is an attractive one for Moco, it makes sense to address that market in other locations as well. 

Barcelona was selected as the first location for international expansion. The focus for future expansion will be on London and Paris. By 2025, Moco wants to be a household name among European locals and travelers alike.

Vacancy: Chief Marketing Officer

This is where the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) comes into play. With marketing being at the core of Moco’s current success and its future strategy, the role of the CMO is crucial. The CMO’s responsibility is split into two main avenues. On the one hand, they will be fully responsible for all revenue streams (currently about 10 million euros per year per location), by maximizing the number of visitors and increasing their average merchandise spend. On the other hand, the CMO ensures that the Moco brand continues to grow and becomes an established name on a global scale, through the implementation of a visionary branding and PR strategy. 

The team
This responsibility will be shared with the CMO’s team of direct reports: a Global Marketing & Online Sales manager, a Global Brand & PR manager, and a Global Buying & Merchandise manager. The first two team members are still to be recruited. Together with the Global Marketing & Online Sales manager, the CMO will build a data-driven marketing strategy and a structured approach to marketing to maximize revenue. This ensures clear daily reporting around revenue streams, customer segmentation, and the impact of different steps within the customer journey. With the Global Buying & Merchandise manager, the CMO will work on increasing the impact of merchandise on the overall revenue and profit. And lastly, together with the Global Brand & PR manager, the CMO will further build the strong Moco brand that has already been established and increase global brand awareness. In this, creativity and courage are key. Partnerships play an important role here – Moco has already worked with H&M, Netflix, Heineken and several celebrities, and will continue to rely on partnerships (among other routes) for a highly successful PR strategy.

Unique challenge
The ideal candidate for this role is a visionary, data driven, and experienced marketing leader with knowledge of strong consumer brands. Moco has managed to break into the museum sector without subsidies or historic fame, based largely on a relentless focus on marketing and PR. But the successful Amsterdam location and the brand-new Barcelona branch are only the start. Moco aims to become one of the global household names of the 21st century – within a sector that traditionally produces very few household names. This represents a unique challenge for an ambitious CMO, who dares to be highly strategic and creative.



Moco works with Top of Minds to fill this vacancy.
To express your interest, please contact Marlies Hoogvliet at


Marlies Hoogvliet Apply

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