Orange Cyberdefense Orange Cyberdefense

Orange Cyberdefense

The increasing rise of cybercrime presents opportunities for Orange Cyberdefense, a leading player in the cybersecurity market. The company already had that status before it was bought by Orange in 2019 – then called SecureLink. The acquisition greatly strengthened that international position.

Orange Cyberdefense has a crystal-clear goal: to show organisations what digitalisation can bring, while minimising the associated risk of cybercrime. However, fear should not be the guiding principle; Orange Cyberdefense prefers to reason from opportunities and possibilities. This positive ‘angle’ explicitly distinguishes Orange Cyberdefense from its competitors. With almost 2,500 employees, 170 of whom work at its Dutch office in Utrecht, Orange Cyberdefense is the largest player in the European market.

The company’s slogan reads: ‘Think global, act local’. It typifies the international scope in which Orange Cyberdefense operates, but at the same time the local execution and services it offers clients – large national and international companies. As a business unit of the Orange Group, Orange Cyberdefense has a high degree of independence in translating its structure, operation and policy to the Dutch market.