There are around 2,000 new patients diagnosed with kidney failure every year. Sometimes they aren’t even aware of it, since symptoms often don’t manifest until the kidneys have already suffered severe damage. And the worse the damage, the more physical, social, and psychological obstacles patients face.
The Nierpatiënten Vereniging Nederland (NVN) has been promoting the interests of people with kidney disease since 1977. Part of that entails sharing information through channels like its member magazine, ‘Wisselwerking’, and the theme days it organizes in partnership with other patient associations. Nieren.nl was launched in 2018. It’s a joint initiative from the Kidney Foundation and the NVN. Nieren.nl is the premier platform where patients and families can find independent, reliable, incredibly valuable information.
Nieren.nl offers a wealth of information for kidney patients, their loved ones, family caregivers, donors, and anyone else involved or interested in kidney disease. As the go-to help and information platform, Nieren.nl wants to support kidney patients in living with kidney disease, while still allowing them to live the fullest lives they can. The platform’s motto is “knowledge, support and inspiration about living with kidney disease,” and it’s a place where users can do things like ask an expert for advice, read about other patient experiences, engage in conversation with peers, find “kidney-friendly” recipes – and much more.
The platform has gained more and more traction in recent years and attracts tens of thousands of visitors each month. But it’s also a competitive space – there are several other platforms and channels where kidney patients can find information that’s just as interesting and valuable. NVN does not see this as a threat – in fact quite the opposite. The more relevant