LOGEX is about people as much as it is about technology. The company’s mission is to combine advanced data analytics and best-in-class technologies to yield clear insights that can be used to shape the future of healthcare and enhance quality and affordability. Founded in 2008 by three Dutch entrepreneurs – Rudolph Haardt, Koen Luijckx and Martijn van Wagensveld – all of whom started out in the industry by running financial analyses for hospitals during their studies in Rotterdam. LOGEX has since grown into a successful 50-employee-strong organization. Its core values include an emphasis on professionalism; a focus on adding value to clients’ businesses; innovation and creativity; and openness and honesty. As a frontrunner in healthcare analytics in the Netherlands, LOGEX actively pursues opportunities abroad and has recently set up operations in France, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Saudi Arabia.
Using advanced software, the business conducts in-depth analyses to provide hospitals and physicians with actionable insights into their performance so that they’re better positioned to make sound decisions regarding budgets, forecasts and pricing strategies. This way, institutions are able to seize all opportunities that come with ongoing developments in the industry. While the company’s employees come from varied backgrounds, they all share a pragmatic view on the field and want to be closely involved in implementing groundbreaking models that allow for appropriate, value-based healthcare.
The growth
Recently LOGEX expanded its offering to healthcare providers by collaborating with Value2Health. Through this partnership, LOGEX has been able to greatly augment its capabilities and grow its products and services available to measure, analyze and improve healthcare quality and patient outcomes. By combining insights into both cost management and level of care, LOGEX serves as a unique one-stop shop for fostering value-based healthcare across the world.