Infestos is a sustainable investment company focusing on Dutch technology companies to which they add value through entrepreneurship. The investor is intensively involved in its portfolio companies and helps build a successful future on a daily basis. Infestos’ investment horizon is flexible and depends entirely on the time needed to build a powerful and future-proof company. For example, the investor has fully contributed to the success of listed Alfen (energy transition). Infestos’ current holdings include NX Filtration (nanofiltration technology, listed on the stock exchange) and possibly Neways (where a public takeover process is currently underway).
Besides its shareholdings, Infestos also focuses on a number of other activities. For instance, together with former skating coach Gerard Kemkers, the company is committed to talent development in sports through TalentNED. Infestos also invests in restoring monumental real estate in the Twente region – home base of the company. Finally, through the Infestos Foundation, the investment company contributes to innovative and sustainable projects in the field of education and healthcare, especially in developing countries.
Infestos is all about hands-on entrepreneurship. The investor plays an active role in building and developing its portfolio companies. They are also the sponsor of ESG Core Investments, Europe’s first ESG SPAC listed on Euronext Amsterdam. This makes Infestos a leader in corporate social responsibility and sustainability.