GreenV is big in greenhouse horticulture worldwide with the development and construction of technical horticultural systems and integrated greenhouse projects. Eating enough fruits and vegetables is important for health. Greenhouse production gives tasty, high-quality produce that is available year-round. And that with less than ten per cent of water use and far fewer pesticides than outdoor production. That makes this industry essential to society.
HAL Investments recently invested in GreenV by acquiring two companies, and is now a strategic partner. Its stated ambition is to become the global leader in horticulture in order to respond to the changes and challenges in a dynamic sector. Besides organic growth, GreenV will partly achieve this with a targeted buy&build approach. This will allow GreenV to further invest in people, knowledge and expertise. In addition, GreenV wants to add even more value for their customers, for instance by supporting growers with advice focused on business operations.
GreenV now covers two companies, Prins Group and Stolze, which have worked together for many years. Prins Group is a leading greenhouse builder. Stolze is the global market leader in electrical and water technology, grow light, automation and climate technology for greenhouse horticulture. The combined turnover of Stolze and Prins Group is around €150 million with around 175 FTEs employed. The majority of turnover comes from international projects. In the Netherlands and Europe, GreenV has its own staff, often supplemented by temporary workers or staff from subcontractors. Internationally, the company works with partners for their staff.