Mobile green power
Greener provides temporary, immediate and sustainable energy solutions for businesses through the rental of silent and zero-emission batteries. Greener’s batery fleet allows customers to solve power shortages on an immediate basis. For example, during on-site events (such as festivals), or when a business is waiting for grid reinforcement or full grid connectivity. Currently, nearly 10,000 companies in the Netherlands are on the waiting list for electrification. With Greener’s battery solutions, customers can continue their operations and grow without having to rely on fossil energy.
Greener is the brainchild of Dieter Castelein, Lukas Kuijken and Klaas Akkerman, who met while studying at Delft University of Technology. With – currently – 150 batteries, Greener’s fleet provides a total power output of 36,000 kWh. Supporting customers in their power needs as a reliable partner while significantly reducing emissions (from diesel generators, for example): that is Greener’s mission. All vacancies at the company are dedicated to this mission.
Annual doubling of sales and EBITDA
Founded in 2018, Greener has since doubled its revenue and EBITDA every year. The company is also active in Britain, with a partner business model: Greener UK leases batteries to other mobile energy suppliers and power generators. This business model has proved extremely successful and provides the blueprint for further international scale-up. Both in the Netherlands and abroad, Greener has set ambitious growth targets.