About DGN Groep
DGN has been helping consumers with expert, reliable and one hundred percent independent advice for twenty years. The Internet company’s three main propositions are:
- DeGoedkoopsteNotaris.nl – This site compares notaries by price, location and service. It helps consumers find the cheapest notary in their area and request a quote directly.
- ZorgKiezer.nl – ZorgKiezer is the largest independent healthcare comparator in the Netherlands. The site compares all health insurance policies on price and content. This way consumers can easily choose the health insurance that suits them and take out the insurance directly against the most advantageous conditions.
- Hypotheek24.nl – Hypotheek24 helps people find and close the best mortgage for their situation. The platform offers personal and truly independent advice, and ensures that a mortgage is arranged quickly and efficiently.
Frederik van der Veen was recently appointed as the new CEO. His goal is to significantly grow DGN across the board and expand the organization. Launching new products – such as the Knip app – also fit into that ambition. Through this app, consumers gain accurate insight into their financial situation and receive targeted savings advice, for example on energy, housing costs and car expenses.
DGN takes good care of its people. The company’s approximately 35 employees work from a beautiful office on the Amsterdam canals. They have lunch together and organize get-togethers, quizzes and parties. DGN leaves plenty of room for personal input and ideas and offers its employees extensive training and development opportunities.