Anthony Veder vacancies Anthony Veder vacancies

Anthony Veder vacancies

About Anthony Veder Group NV

Anthony Veder is a Rotterdam based ship owner founded in 1937 by Anthony Veder and his mother, it has been a family business until 1991. Currently Anthony Veder is owned by HAL Investments and a private family. In the 1990s, the owners reviewed the future of Anthony Veder and streamlined the operations. They decided to sell all unrelated businesses, for example real estate, insurance, line and port agents and car rentals. Today Anthony Veder focusses exclusively on the transport of gas which it has been acquiring knowledge of and experience in since 1969.

Booming business

Ever since acquiring the first gas tanker in 1969, the company transformed to dedicate its activities to liquefied gas shipping. The focus is on the segments of Petrochemical gases (Petchems), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Natural Gas is hot. Well, physically its quite cold, up to minus 163 degrees Celsius – but economically its booming. Natural gas is a cleaner alternative to oil, increasingly making it the fuel of choice. This and other developments steer the growth of the business. Over the past years, the size of the fleet almost doubled from 15 to 26 vessels.

Safe, flexible and sustainable

Anthony Veder has developed long-term relationships with many clients all over the world by offering safe, reliable and flexible services, with a wide range of high quality gas carriers. The ambition is to be a gas shipping company that leads in safety, service and sustainability. Hence, Anthony Veder intends to achieve responsible growth and further improve their market position. New prospects are in Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean. Therefore they are looking to recruit a Business Developer who powers development of such new and innovative business opportunities.