Whitespace Solutions Whitespace Solutions

Whitespace Solutions

About Whitespace Solutions

Whitespace Solutions began as a boutique consulting firm. Soon, the team discovered the power of AI for developing and implementing solutions – and the fact that this was a gap in the market. So in addition to strategic consulting, the company now delivers scalable, AI-driven solutions around scheduling, resource management, workflow management, cost savings and more. The goal is to build scalable technology on the back end, which is marketed on the front end in customised applications for different industries and types of businesses. The company originally worked mainly for customers in oil and gas, but also increasingly in areas such as logistics, renewable energy and hospitals.


Game AI

Whitespace Solutions uses one of the latest AI developments: Game AI. This mimics the human ability to learn from experiences. Its success has already been demonstrated in complex games such as chess and poker. Whitespace Solutions believes Game AI can also add value in business consulting. Thanks to Game AI, the company helps clients transform their ways of working and become many times more efficient – while humans remain in control.


Whitespace Solutions’ mission is to support clients in making radically better decisions, from day-to-day operations to long-term strategies. All vacancies and jobs at Whitespace Solutions are dedicated to this mission. To this end, the company is constantly expanding its applications and customer base and adding new, scalable technology.

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