Sunoil Group vacancies Sunoil Group vacancies

Sunoil Group vacancies

High-grade sustainable biodiesel for affordable decarbonization

Sunoil Group is a leading international producer and supplier of high-grade biodiesel with 90% lower CO2 emissions than fossil fuels. Founded in the Netherlands in 2006, the company aims to provide a sustainable and affordable decarbonization alternative for transportation and heating in line with the European Renewable Energy Directive. Active in the Netherlands, the rest of continental Europe, and the UK, Sunoil Group is one of only a few large players who derive second-generation biodiesel from waste oils and fats.

Sunoil Group’s ambitions for growth

From its strong market position in transportation, Sunoil Group is growing both its existing business and expanding into new segments. The company is capitalizing onopportunities to serve shipping and aviation customers and making into heating and chemicals opportunities. With two production facilities equipped for efficiency and flexibility, with harbor access and a state-of-the-art logistics center, Sunoil Group is set up to grow its scale.

Working at Sunoil Group

Sunoil Group employs over 60 employees in the trading office in Amsterdam and the production facilities in Emmen and Kampen and is characterized by a collaborative family culture. The organization values social involvement in the communities they operate in and is driven by its sustainability mission, helping an increasing number of customers achieve affordable decarbonization with its high-grade biodiesel products.

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