Ohpen is the first fintech player with a cloud-native core banking platform. Its SaaS-solutions free financial institutions from their legacy software and empower them to meet the needs of tomorrow’s customers. The company supports retail banks, asset managers, insurers, lending and mortgage specialists, online brokers, and private banks. Ohpen is the market leader in the Netherlands, where its clients include Aegon, Knap, Robeco, and Nationale Nederlanden.
End of 2020, Ohpen – supported by investors Amerborgh and NPM Capital – acquired Davinci: developer of the market-leading Close lending platform for origination and servicing of mortgages and loans. The combination of these two fast-growing companies (together they have about 330 FTE and 25+ million dollars in revenue) allows it to become the only cloud-native core banking engine to offer a full suite of products across savings, investments, loans, mortgages, and current accounts.
The acquisition marks an exciting new phase of international growth. Ohpen is currently focusing on scaling up its commercial activities in the Netherlands, the UK, and Belgium, and then expand into new markets. In terms of HR, the acquisition required fusing two separate entities and ways of working together. An interesting challenge the company is still working on through thoughtful initiatives, and at the same time an opportunity to create a new culture that takes the best of both worlds.