Noordhoff has a clear mission: to bring every Dutch person further, from schoolchild to professional. Internationally, the company is active in Belgium and Sweden. More than 2 million people use educational resources developed by Noordhoff. The company has a rich history and a very entrepreneurial shareholder who wants to invest in transformation.
Noordhoff is the largest operating company within Infinitas Holding, with total sales of 160 million euros in the year 2021. The company helps customers in education through digital learning solutions and various services to achieve the best learning outcomes. One example is the Noordhoff Academy, in which teachers are guided in the development of their educational capabilities.
The higher and vocational education market group is the second largest market within Noordhoff with approximately €30 million in sales in the year 2021. Recently, the digital proposition Studiemeister, based on blended learning, was successfully introduced. Digitization requires a strong focus on the customer experience: how can content be accessed, which tools fit best in the work and learning process of teacher and student?