Inventum’s success story begins in 1908. In this year, engineer Alexander Vosmaer founds the first Dutch company for small household appliances. Far ahead of his time, he starts producing hot water boilers in the 1920s. To this day, the development of innovative, energy-efficient products is central to Inventum.
These days, the company focuses on the broader development of products for renewable energy. These include ventilation heat pumps and the related modular and hybrid solutions, as well as boiling water equipment for other brands such as Grohe. In terms of sustainability, the products have ranked high for years and the company has big plans for the future. From research and production to purchasing and sales, all departments are under one roof at the Houten plant. As one of the few suppliers in the Netherlands, the company makes its products itself and their sales market extends far beyond our national borders.
The Netherlands aims to be completely natural gas-free by 2050. To contribute to this, Inventum wants to play an active and innovative role in the process of making Dutch homes more sustainable. To get this off the ground, the company is currently in the midst of a change process that focuses, among other things, on customer-oriented thinking.