FuelFWD vacancies FuelFWD vacancies

FuelFWD vacancies

FuelFWD backed by DockLab and Port of Rotterdam, helps green energy producers, transporters, and sellers manage their entire biofuel or hydrogen supply chain in one platform. FuelFWD was designed as a decentralized platform to manage international, multi-actor supply chains, for producers, traders, certifiers, auditors, terminals, and partners. It is a real-time data room: tailored for supply chain reality, fit for due diligence in trade and certification.

FuelFWD was built on proven supply chain technology. Its functionalities were scoped with several leading Energy Companies, the Erasmus Trade and Commodity Center, the Port of Rotterdam and HyXchange, the leading Dutch initiative for hydrogen market infrastructure. FuelFWD is now further growing the solution in a 360 degree ecosystem, working with producers, traders, terminals, offtakers and certification experts.

FuelFWD was Developed and incubated by Docklab, which focuses on two of the world’s largest challenges: enhancing the energy transition and transforming global supply chains. Docklab develops solutions that accelerate change, combining emerging technologies and collaborative business models. They validate ideas in close collaboration with the Port of Rotterdam, to further grow their ventures internationally. As such, FuelFWD can be viewed as a “start-up with training wheels” of sorts, with a very solid backing, and a very strong commercial and financial outlook.