Fenix Outdoor International is a Sweden-based company engaged in the manufacture and marketing of outdoor products for nature and outdoor life. Think of sleeping bags, backpacks, tents, compasses, outdoor clothing and binoculars. Although the company has Swedish origins, it has a highly international focus. Fenix Outdoor is active in several worldwide markets (like the UK, US and Canada), but it has their primary focus remaining on northern European countries.
The company is divided into two principal divisions: Brands and Retail. The Brand division develops, manufactures, markets and sells gear for outdoor life and leisure. It has its own brands: Fjällräven, Tierra, Primus and Hanwag. Retail comprises of outdoor, leisure and travel products and operates three retail chains: Globetrotter, Naturkompaniet AB and Partioaitta OY. The company has branches, franchise stores and also e-shopping and mail-order operations.
Changing markets, rising oil prices and global challenges regarding sustainability increase the need for the company to gain transparency into global activities around transport.