Camenai vacancies Camenai vacancies

Camenai vacancies

Camenai was founded two years ago with the compelling idea of high frequent image data collection as opposed to companies that only collect images every (two) year(s). By making some smart choices in the equipment and in the way images are collected, Camenai can offer weekly or monthly data collection in an economically viable manner, Camenai uploads large amounts of imagery data collected with “simple devices” to a central platform to allow for ongoing and ad-hoc management of public spaces. For instance, instead of deploying a road sweeper to clean an area on a fixed day of the week, Camenai helps municipalities decide when and where to deploy their resources based on the ever-shifting current situation.

Camenai’s Public Space Dashboard provides insight and overview by detecting deviations from a predetermined baseline and displaying them visually. This allows clients to deploy their resources more efficiently—always at the right time and the right place. The company offers various modules (among other: Litter Detection, Waterway Monitoring, and Traffic Signs Monitoring) and is in the process of developing several others. Commercially, the company focuses on larger municipalities and Boards of Public Works/Water Authorities  (‘Waterschappen’), as well as serving some clients in the private domain. While currently mainly active in the Netherlands, Camenai is gearing up for internationalization.


With little less than ten employees, Camenai is still a small company with the characteristics of a startup, while it is expecting significant growth—including doubling their sales. Meanwhile, the Camenai team benefits from its ties with its larger sister company that exists over 40 years with offices in the US, Germany and The Netherlands in terms of operations and fringe benefits, such as mature pensions and insurance schemes.