Aareon Aareon


Aareon a leading pan-European provider of innovative software solutions for the real estate sector. The company is digitalising property management by offering user-oriented software solutions that automate processes and interconnect all stakeholders in the process. Aareon takes a collaborative approach to R&D, combining its knowledge and expertise with the operational specifics of each client.


In 2020, private equity fund Advent International acquired a 30% stake in Aareon from Germany’s Aareal Bank Group, which is Aareon’s holding company. Aareon has more than 7,000 clients across Europe, who manage approximately 14 million real estate units. The company has over 2000 employees and offices in the DACH region, France, the United Kingdom, the Benelux, and the Nordics. It has a revenue around EUR 310 million and EBITDA around EUR 75 million.

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